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17 septembre 2020

Switzerland's arbitration law is internationally known for its wide scope of party autonomy, clarity, and arbitration-friendliness.

Among the key features of the revision are:

  • Possibility to make English language submissions to the Swiss Federal Supreme Court;
  • Parties can directly seek assistance from Swiss state courts in relation to arbitral proceedings (e.g., the taking of evidence in Switzerland);
  • Codification of the most essential decisions of the Swiss Federal Court of the past 30 years.

The new law will further strengthen Switzerland’s role as one of the world’s leading centers for international arbitration. It will enter into force on 1 January 2021.

If you are interested to get more detailed information about this topic, please find the whole article  "Arbitration in Switzerland: Quick Overview of the Revised Swiss Law of International Arbitration" on the ACC (Association of Corporate Counsel) website.
