Moving to Switzerland– Taxes and social security (Part one) Are you a U.S. citizen who has decided to move to Switzerland? What do I have to consider as U.S. citizen? Are you a U.S. citizen who has…
Who's Who Legal: Schwitzerland 2024: VISCHER regonized as "national leaders" We are very pleased to announce that several of our lawyers have once again been recognized as "National Leaders" in the…
Santis Pharma receives investment from Abenex The founders of Santis Pharma, a Franco-Swiss laboratory company developing and marketing food supplements with health benefits, have entered into a…
Stay Compliant When Raising Funds for Your Startup: 8 FAQs Developing a product or service and scaling a startup's business model need big amounts of cash. Thus, most startups seek capital from…
Starting a Company in Switzerland – will I Jeopardize My Residence Permit? What is a Third-Country National? The residence status and, therefore, the legal possibilities and risks differ in…
New company law: end of the transition period on 31 December 2024 (No. 21) The new company law, which came into force on 1 January 2023, brings many innovations. We present these in detail in our…
Louise de Gottrau is a junior associate of VISCHER Geneva offices. She obtained a Bachelor’s Degree (2021) from the University of Geneva, a Master’s Degree from the University of Zürich (2022, magna…
IFLR1000 2024: Top ranking for VISCHER Just like last year, we are once again delighted to be recognised by the IFLR1000 as one of the leading law firms in Switzerland. Just like last year, we are…
Partial revision of tenancy law: draft bill on subletting How the legal reform aims to prevent abuses and its impact on landlords and tenants. Background On June 18, 2015, Hans Egloff, former…
HAYA Therapeutics Announces Collaboration with Eli Lilly HAYA Therapeutics SA, a Swiss biotechnology company pioneering precision RNA-guided regulatory genome targeting therapeutics, announced a…