Over 160 years of client success.
The earliest roots of VISCHER's continuing success story can be found in 1857 at the offices of Lichtenhahn & Heusler, which flourished into Gloor, Schiess & Partner and ultimately, in 1999, became Gloor & Christ.
A year later, in order to gain a foothold in Zurich, Gloor & Christ merged with the renowned Zurich law firm of Pestalozzi Haegi & Partner to become the VISCHER law firm you see today.
Maxime Chollet, Damien Conus, Lorenz Ehrler and Gérald Virieux, join VISCHER from two Geneva based law firms (CPV Partners (Geneva) and Bugnion Ballansat Ehrler) to open the Geneva office. With its existing locations in Zurich and Basel, VISCHER is now present in the three most important economic regions of Switzerland.
The VISCHER lawyer's and notary's office has changed its legal form and has been operating since June 4th, 2009 as a joint stock corporation. Zurich is the registered domicile of the company pursuant to the articles of incorporation. The corporation is now, as before, equally active in the offices in Zurich and Basel. The shareholders in VISCHER Ltd are the partners of the previous lawyer's and notary's office.
Because of the rapid growth of their national and international business, Gloor & Christ seek to expand further, and recognise the vital importance of establishing their presence in Zurich. Consequently, to remain competitive, the firm initiates negotiations with Pestalozzi Haegi & Partner. Later that year, the two firms merge to create VISCHER. Dr Rolf Auf der Maur, a proven expert in IP/IT law, joins VISCHER, further strengthening its capacities.
The Basel offices of Christ, Löw, Brückner & Staehelin and Gloor, Schiess & Partner merge to become Gloor & Christ. Their increased size and capacity allows the new firm to react quickly to changes in the market, enabling them to take on increasingly complex and demanding mandates. Pestalozzi Haegi & Partner set up new offices at Arterstrasse 24.
Dr Peter Schmid (1879-1939) opens his own office at Bäumleingasse 22 in Basel in 1908 and, a short time later, forms a partnership with Dr Karl von der Mühll (1879-1936) and Dr Felix Lüssy (1887-1942). This marks the beginnings of Christ, Löw, Brückner & Staehelin. The partnership remains in the offices at Bäumleingasse 22 until the merger which creates Gloor & Christ.