Specialist legal advice for health care providers
With an ever faster evolving regulatory framework and growing political focus on cost reduction, health care providers are finding themselves under pressure from all sides.
Our specialist Heath Care team works with hospitals and other service providers to provide the legal support they need to efficiently operate in this complex environment. Our in-depth experience in tariff issues and liability law makes us a useful sounding board for many of the issues you may face in today’s health care market.
Legal care you will appreciate
We have a clear commitment to working for the supply side of the market, regularly representing hospitals in sector-specific regulatory matters and tariff disputes with health care and other social insurances.
We bring a collaborative attitude, combined with a proactive approach and a forensic understanding of the law, helping you to achieve your objectives and anticipate the implications of changing regulatory requirements.
Our services include:
- Tariff disputes: representing hospitals, medical networks, laboratories and other service providers in tariff disputes with social insurances
- Litigation: representing health care providers before courts and arbitration bodies in sector specific disputes with insurance companies and others
- General legal advice: on a whole range of sector specific regulation
Recent cases:
- Fixing of Baserates according to SwissDRG: Conducting of negotiations, monitoring of determination procedures, representation in appeal proceedings before the Federal Administrative Court
- Setting tax point values for TARMED services and paramedical services
- Review of the legality of a Federal Council regulation by means of pilot processes
- Advising hospitals on the development of internal rules for the acceptance of sponsorship funds for special projects and third-party funding for continuing education
- Advising a hospital on the exercise of labour law authority over senior physicians
- Restructuring of a non-profit hospital group with optimized tax planning
- Advising hospitals on the design of contracts with attending physicians
Team Members
Matthias Staehelin
Attorney at Law and Civil Law Notary (BS/BL)
- Partner
- +41 58 211 33 53
- [email protected]