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Lucian Hunger


work Schützengasse 1 P.O. Box
8021 Zurich


Attorney at Law / Associate
Lucian Hunger

Lucian Hunger is an attorney in the Data & Privacy Team. His practice focuses especially on data privacy compliance programs and cloud migrations projects for financial institutions, health care providers and public authorities. He advises Swiss, as well as international companies.

Lucian has in-house legal department experience at a Swiss bank and besides his work at VISCHER, he has a management role at a family business. Furthermore, he worked in information technology for several years, including in a legal tech startup. Also today, legal tech is a part of his work at VISCHER.

Before joining VISCHER, he worked as a legal trainee at a law firm in Bern, at the Federal Customs Administration, at the Department for Economic Affairs of the Canton of Bern and at the District Court Bern-Mittelland.

  • Bar admission: Switzerland (2022)
  • University of Bern (MLaw, 2019)
  • University of Bern (BLaw, 2017)
  • Legal Counsel at a swiss bank
  • Legal trainee at a law firm in Bern
  • Legal trainee at Federal Customs Administration
  • Legal trainee at the Department for Econommic Affairs of the Canton of Bern
  • Legal trainee at the District Court Bern-Mittelland
  • IT Coordinator at the Institute for Organ-ization and Human Resource Management, University of Bern
  • German
  • English
Practice areas
  • Communication Law
  • Data Protection
  • eDiscovery
  • Information Law
  • Intellectual Property
  • Life Sciences
  • Media Law