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Oetiker, Christian / Weibel, Thomas / Favalli, Daniele / Haesler, Janine / Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, Publication: The Legal 500, Country Comparative Guides, 2024
We are delighted to announce the release of the Swiss chapter on "Enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters" in Legal 500's Country Comparative Guides 2024.
In their contribution, our partners Christian Oetiker, Daniele Favalli, Thomas Weibel and Senior Associate Janine Haesler provide detailed answers to 25 pivotal questions concerning the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters within Switzerland. The complete Swiss chapter is available online on the Legal 500 website or available for download as a PDF.
These country-specific questions and answers give an overview of the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters and the laws and regulations applicable in Switzerland.
The Legal 500’s Country Comparative Guides are produced in association with the World’s leading lawyers and offer invaluable insights to the in-house community by presenting a practical snapshot of the legal framework and regulations within key jurisdictions, tailored to specific practice areas.
Basler Kommentar zum LugÜ (Protokoll 2, Protokoll 3) Oetiker, Christian / Weibel, Thomas / Holzer,...
Basler Kommentar zum LugÜ (Art. 63-68) Oetiker, Christian / Weibel, Thomas / Mata, Aline,...
Basler Kommentar zum LugÜ (Einleitung) Oetiker, Christian / Weibel, Thomas / Fountoulakis,...