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5. Februar 2021 is well-known as one of the leading platforms for legal reference, news and analysis, offering comparative law guides and research tools covering the law in more than 191 jurisdictions and 59 practice areas.

ICLG - Aviation Law covers common issues in aviation laws and regulations - including aircraft trading, finance & leasing, and litigation & dispute resolution. 

In the new edition, Aviation Law 2021, Urs Haegi and Dr. Thomas Weibel describe the principal legislation and regulatory bodies, which apply to and/or regulate aviation in Switzerland. 

They also provide information about the principal pieces of legislation in Switzerland especially with regard to air safety, inform about recent cases in Switzerland involving air operators and/or airports, and explain the legal guides in relation to Aircraft Trading, Finance and Leasing. 

For more information, please read the full article "Switzerland: Aviation Laws and Regulations 2021".
