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28. September 2022

Speakers: Lukas Züst, Christian Schneiter, Christian Oetiker
Organizer: Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Location: Zurich

On 28 September 2022, our attorneys Lukas Züst, Christian Schneiter and Christian Oetiker shared their insights on current topics at the SCCC Legal Chapter Forum 2022.

Lukas Züst gave a keynote presentation on "Foreign Investment Control in Switzerland - A New Law Is Emerging" and participated in the panel discussion on "Sanctions – Legal and Practical Issues from the Point of View of Swiss Companies". In his presentation, Lukas introduced the preliminary draft of the Swiss Investment Control Act taking into account a survey of SCCC members, which was well received by the audience and gave rise to extensive discussion. Additionally, on the topic of sanctions Lukas gave practical input for companies on how to cope with the restrictions posed by possible sanctions.

Next Christian Schneiter participated in the panel discussion on "China-Switzerland Stock Connect". As Christian has been heavily involved in the GDR listing projects of some Chinese companies, he, in a pragmatic manner, shed light on the attraction of the Swiss stock market as well as the challenges and concerns during the listing process.

Last but not least, Christian Oetiker gave his input in the panel discussion, following a presentation on "CIETAC Emergency Arbitration Versus Injunctive Relief at People's Courts - New Experiences in Real Cases". As one of our proven specialists in litigation and arbitration, Christian, in particular, shared the Swiss regulatory and practical features in respect to emergency arbitration and injunctive relief.

As a Gold Partner to SCCC, VISCHER's devoted support was highly appreciated by the organizer and the participants at the Forum.
