VISCHER ist eine Schweizer Anwaltskanzlei, die sich der rechtlichen Lösung von Geschäfts-, Steuer- und Regulierungsfragen widmet.
Life Sciences, Pharma, Biotechnologie
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Wir entwickeln nicht nur juristische Lösungen für unsere Klientinnen und Klienten, wir entwickeln auch neue Formate dafür.
VISCHER Legal Innovation Lab
Red Ink
On September 25, 2019, VISCHER Manager of China Life Sciences Group Fiona Gao will give a presentation at the 19th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum. Her topic will be The Outlook for Chinese Healthcare: Changing Regulatory & Policy...
Gao, Fiona, Regulatory Framework of Drug Entry to China, in: Life Sciences Law, Chapter 6, pages 304 – 308, ISBN: 978-3-03891-025-1
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Key Factors for Chinese Enterprises. Switzerland has become a major jurisdiction for Chinese enterprises that are looking for direct investments in Europe, establishing European headquarters, distribution centers, R&D-centers, and acquiring European high-class know-how.
Speaker: Marc Ph. Prinz (Plenary 2) Location: StageOne, Zurich Oerlikon, Elias-Canetti-Strasse 146, 8050 Zurich Register now: Free registration until 19 April 2019
Lukas Züst / Zhao Luer, Warranty & Indemnity Insurance in Sino-Swiss M&A transactions, in: The Bridge, Winter 2018, Issue 52, pages 22-24.
Kohler, Stefan / Züst, Lukas, R&D Collaboration in Switzerland, in: CBLJ, July/August 2017, pages 34-35.
Fiona Gao, The Business Opportunities and the Legal Challenges in Cross-Border E-Commerce in: Jusletter, 10. Juli 2017
Organizer: Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC)
Place: Hotel Eden au Lac, Utoquai 45, 8008 Zürich
The Chinese Cyber Security Law (CSL) will be in effect as of June 1, 2017. What does the law cover? Why is it so important?...
Place: Niederer Kraft & Frey AG, Bahnhofstrasse 13, 8001 Zurich
The SCCC Legal Chapter was established more than 20 years ago. Tending to the needs of the SCCC members, its...
Züst Lukas / Niederer Christoph, Trade, Investment and M&A in Switzerland – Key Factors for Chinese Enterprises, in: VISCHER brochure, May 2017
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