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IFLR 1000: Ranking for Restructuring & Insolvency published

25 August 2021

The IFLR 2021 ranking for Restructuring & Insolvency was published today. 

We are very delighted to be listed as one of the best law firms in Switzerland in these practice area. Benedict F. Christ our head of Restructuring and...

Swiss M&A and Private Equity Forum 2021 is back at The Dolder Grand

13 August 2021

VISCHER is proud to be a lead strategic partner of the "Swiss M&A and Private Equity Forum" for the ninth year in succession. The event will take place on 28 October 2021 at The Dolder Grand in Zurich.

Praxishandbuch für interne Untersuchungen und eDiscovery

28 May 2021

Der neue, kostenlose und umfassende Ratgeber von VISCHER in Zusammenarbeit mit Editions Weblaw ist heute erschienen.

IFLR 1000: Top Rankings in Banking & Finance and Financial services regulatory

26 May 2021

We are pleased to have again received top rankings in both "Banking & Finance" and "Financial services regulatory" in the IFLR 2021 edition.

VISCHER continues to be top ranked in the recently published BILANZ / Le Temps 2021 edition of the top law firms in Switzerland

30 April 2021

In this year's edition, VISCHER is again recognized as one of the 20 best law firms in a total of 19 areas of law, reflecting our knowledge and expertise across the entire breadth of our practice areas.

The Legal 500 EMEA: Another year with top rankings

15 April 2021

In this year's edition, we are ranked in 20 practice areas, which is an exceptionally good performance.

New Certified Specialist SBA Employment law

New Certified Specialist SBA Employment law

31 March 2021

VISCHER is pleased to announce that Anela Lucic has become Certified Specialist SBA Employment Law.

Partnerschaft mit Athletes Network

30 March 2021

Seit mehr als einem Jahr berät Managing Associate Moritz Jäggy das Athletes Network und unterstützt dieses beim Aufbau. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass aus der Zusammenarbeit nun eine wertvolle Partnerschaft entstanden ist.

Chambers and Partners Europe Guide: Switzerland rankings 2021 released

18 March 2021

Chambers and Partners Europe Guide: Switzerland rankings 2021 released.

VISCHER ranked highly in different practice areas.

VISCHER supports the Innosuisse research project "Independent Evaluation Framework for Security Tokens"

2 March 2021

VISCHER is pleased to continue its support of the "Independent Evaluation Framework for Security Token" research project co-funded by Innosuisse, the Swiss Agency for Innovation Promotion.

The project aims to develop a...