We are a Swiss law firm, dedicated to providing legal solutions to business, tax and regulatory matters.
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In the VISCHER Innovation Lab, we not only work in the field of law, we also develop our solutions ourselves as far as possible from a technical point of view.
VISCHER Legal Innovation Lab
Red Ink
Categories: Health Care, Pension Funds, Life Sciences, Pharma, Biotech, Public Sector & Regulatory, Publications & Presentations
Kohler, Stefan, Therapiefreiheit im regulatorischen Korsett, Folien zum Business Talk vom 10. November 2014 in Zürich
Attorney at Law
Kohler, Stefan / Walter, Giulia, EPA: Neue Regeln zur Beurteilung bestrittener Prioritätsansprüche,...
Jörn, Birte / Fiorentzis, Alice / Rau, Angelina / Kohler, Stefan / Mühlemann, Michèle / Eichenmann,...
Rückblick auf die letzten 30 Jahre Patentstreitverfahren in der Schweiz 27.9.2024, 14.45 - 15.45...