We are a Swiss law firm, dedicated to providing legal solutions to business, tax and regulatory matters.
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In the VISCHER Innovation Lab, we not only work in the field of law, we also develop our solutions ourselves as far as possible from a technical point of view.
VISCHER Legal Innovation Lab
Red Ink
Categories: Employment Law, Pension Funds, Corporate and commercial, Intellectual Property, Information and Communication Technology, Litigation and Arbitration, Restructuring & Insolvency, Tax, Publications & Presentations
Vischer, Frank / Müller, Roland M. / (Lucic, Anela, Mitarbeit), Der Arbeitsvertrag – 4., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag, Basel 2014
Attorney at Law, Civil Law Notary (BS)
Attorney at Law
The new company law, which came into force on 1 January 2023, brings many innovations. We present...
What simplifications in regards to commercial register applications does the new company law bring?
Welche Vereinfachungen bringt die Aktienrechtsrevision in Bezug auf Anmeldungen beim...