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Categories: Litigation and Arbitration, Blog
The revision of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), which comes into force on 1 January 2025, is intended to improve practicability. The revision also introduces a new cut off date, i.e., new rules on when new facts and evidence can be introduced into the proceedings without restriction. This blog provides an overview of these changes.
The revision of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), which comes into force on 1 January 2025, is intended to improve practicability. The amendments to the rules on court costs are intended to remove obstacles and thus facilitate access to justice for claimants.
Categories: Pension Funds, Blog
In der Schweiz erwerbstätige Personen, also sowohl Arbeitnehmende als auch Selbständigerwerbende, die ab 2025 keine Beiträge oder nur Teilbeträge in ihre Säule 3a einbezahlen, können diese Beiträge künftig auch rückwirkend in Form...
The revision of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), which comes into force on 1 January 2025, is intended to improve practicability. One of the key aspects of the revision is the possibility of conducting court hearings using electronic means, e.g. in the form of video and telephone conferences. This blog provides an overview of this innovation.
Categories: Banking & Finance, Corporate and commercial, Blog
According to different public sources, the number of Vereine (associations) in Switzerland exceeds 100'000. The Federal Office for Statistics assessed that about 55% of Swiss residents aged16 and above participate actively or...
Categories: Tax, Blog
Im Vorfeld der Einführung des automatischen Informationsaustauschs mit Bezug auf Finanzkonten rang sich manch einer dazu durch, seine bis anhin nicht deklarierten Vermögenswerte im Ausland gegenüber den Schweizer Steuerbehörden offenzulegen. Die meisten dieser straflosen Selbstanzeigen konnten verhältnismässig speditiv erledigt werden und viele Steuerpflichtige waren schliesslich erleichtert, endlich "reinen Tisch" gemacht zu haben.
The revision of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), which comes into force on 1 January 2025, is intended to improve practicability. The introduction of the in-house counsel privilege improves the position of lawyers working in a company's in-house legal service as under the new law, they may also be able to invoke a right of refusal. This Blog discusses the key points.
The revision of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), which comes into force on 1 January 2025, is intended to improve practicability. Under the new law, the cantons will be allowed to create an international commercial court. This strengthens Switzer-land as an important jurisdiction. This article provides you with a brief overview.
The revision of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) will come into force on 1 January 2025. It is intended to improve practicability. This article provides a brief overview of the background and content of the VISCHER blog series on the revision of the CPC.
Ab dem 1. Januar 2025 treten in der Schweiz wesentliche Änderungen im Mehrwertsteuerrecht in Kraft. Der Bundesrat hat die vom Parlament verabschiedete Teilrevision des Mehrwertsteuergesetzes (MWSTG) sowie die überarbeitete Mehrwertsteuerverordnung (MWSTV) umgesetzt.
Displaying results 11 to 20 out of 503
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